Wednesday 30 June 2010

Tapes, Computers, Video Projectors - They're All Out To Get Me!

Soooo yesterday. Well job one was to start digitising some audio tapes. Good except the binder on two of them has hydrolised and they were squealing through and distorting the sound like nobody's business so now I've got to sort that out plus any more I find like that in the current box. Then I had to scan an oversize book with the A3 scanner but all the pages had 'rifts and dips' so they wouldn't scan properly, had to photograph them which, to do the job well, is no small feat without a proper rostrum setup. Then I thought I'd chuck a DVD in the computer and watch some stuff on the bigscreen through the video projector whilst I was doing all this but it wasn't picking up the computer feed (again) so I got a DVD player but couldn't find all the right leads and adaptors for feeding the sound to the speakers so I put it through the sound card of one of the computers and a quick few seconds job to bung on a DVD turned into a 15 minute lead-fest! Bloody hell!

And would you believe today was alright. Yes it was! The Steenbeck worked fine, the film was no more awkward than it usually is (very awkward but even that one I had to redo practically every splice in didn't cause me to use any words stronger than b*llocks!) The 16mm film I ran on the other Steenbeck was the right way round, the reel wasn't one of those with the STUPID F**KING ROUND HOLES in the bottom and even installing some software on a laptop went without a hitch.

However tomorrow I am back at the archive and I have some more tapes to digitise. And at least one of them will be sticky, and it will be sticky not because they've been stored badly for decades but because:

Nothing's ever f**king easy!

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