Thursday, 8 July 2010

Websites Down, Ignorance & Information

ARGH! Why is it the one day I need to send someone a link to a website that website is down?

And why have I got emails from people making stupid comments in ignorance about things which aren't an issue! I've said it before and I'll say it again ignorance is the number one worst thing in the world, so many of the world's problems and so much that makes nothing in life ever f**king easy is down to ignorance.

And why the hell has someone from a foreign archive emailed me for information on film date codes and identifiers! ME?! I'm just an unwaged ex-student with a master's degree in film archiving, I don't work for an international media archive who should f**king know these things anyway, if they're employing people who don't know what I know then why the f**k are they doing that? Particularly since this particular set of information is on the Internet for everyone to see, haven't they ever heard of Google?! Maybe this is where I'm going wrong, maybe I need to go and work for a foreign archive 'cause I sure as hell can't get a f**king paid job in my own country!

Nothing's ever f**king easy!

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