Wednesday 4 August 2010

Super Vox Motor

Good news! My Super Vox motor has been sent away for re-winding and will soon be ready! Bad news: it's going to cost a bit more than the £70 originally suggested, nearer £160 actually. Damn! The thing is I'm an unwaged ex-student with two Master's degrees looking for a good job in a market that is never exactly buoyant at the best of times and because of the recession is currently flat as a pancake. I'm holding down two volunteer jobs to try and get the 10 billion years of experience all the jobs that do come up seem to require and as a result I'm not exactly rolling in it. And I'm trying to save up a not inconsiderable sum for a 17.5mm projector and all this extra expenditure really isn't helping!

And what the f**k is with these glass negs, they've cleaned and scanned OK but looking at them now they look and feel like they're coated in oil, don't know what the hell is going on. Is one supposed to use distilled water? Nobody ever taught me this sh*t! I get so annoyed that there is so little information out there when one tries to fill in the gaps in one's knowledge of this sort of thing. I did have a good look around for information on handling glass negatives, I know a bit but things like 'use distilled water' if it is neccessary would have been helpful, as it is there's next to nothing (and one of my master's degrees is in librarianship so it's not like I don't know how to find information). If I wanted to know about diodes or the properties of iron oxide there are more websites than one can shake a stick at but glass negatives... F**king conservators, get some of that knowledge out there. Slipping your uncles and cousins in through the back door and teaching them on the job is all well and crap but what about those of us trying to make their way without any f**king nepotism?! Grrrrr...

Motors, glass slides, torn film perfs, hydrolised videotape binders, why didn't I become a f**king brain surgeon, not much harder and one gets payed a hell of a lot f**king more!

Nothing's ever f**king easy!

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